Friday, February 8, 2008

I Feel Pretty

Sorry for scaring you

Not sure how many people caught this story, but Sam Cassell may or may not be upset about his contract. I wonder how much longer we as a civilization are going to keep trying to anger the aliens?

First, we only send them footage of Hitler (thanks Jody Foster), then we send Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum up there to bomb them (and annoy them with snarky remarks) as if they don’t have more ships, and now we’re leaving them on obscure basketball teams?

I’ve always been fascinated by aliens, but way more by predators. I mean, who are they? Don’t most predators hunt for food? So why wouldn’t you just always kill the fat people in the movie first (oh wait they already do for hilarity's sake?)? Is Jessica Simpson actually the predator in make up and Proactiv waiting till we all let down our guard to attack, eating careers at every stop (am I the only one sad about 98°? Seriously?)

One thing’s certain, I wouldn’t want to be at Sam’s contract negotiation.

Mister, Mister, get me out of here... or I will eat your face

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