Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Flying (literally) and Crashing (metaphorically) with the Philadelphia Eagles.

Wednesday night pops called and asked if I wanted to go to to Dallas with the Eagles. I said yes. This is that story.

First of all, there's probably the logical question of why we were asked to go on this trip, but I'm not going to tell you, so deal with it.

Now I never really thought about how the team gets to a game that's not in Philadelphia, but it turns out they fly American Airlines. Not normal AA, mind you. For instance, we had our own terminal, our own security, and our own parking lot. Yes, the Eagles and I are now our.

Pops and I enter the security trailer, which seems like a stripped bunker with a Sixers flag posted on the wall. Then we wait, because as my father's rule goes, if you're not 45 minutes early, you're late.

Finally our escorts arrive, sadly they are dudes, which leads to awkwardness later at the hotel considering my misunderstanding of the word escort. (this did not happen). We then are militantly rushed onto the plane. I'm not complaining, but if you've seen Schindler's List you understand the way we are moved on and off the plane. (that is not funny and probably offensive... to people who see movies?)

The first few rows of the plane are first class, for coaches and super VIP's (Joe Banner, random people I don't recognize). We are a few rows back from that, in what I would call business class seats. Our names our on a label stuck on the chair. The players file in after us. Donovan trips over the foot of the guy sitting in front of us. Doesn't go down all the way. That would be the closest he comes to avoiding a sack the entire trip. (zing)

Now on the plane all the players seem to be having a good time, I guess. They were behind me, and if you are reading this for inside information, there is none. I picked up my phone and watched 500 Days of Summer. Turns out I have dated Summer twice. (that's not a joke.)

When the plane lands in Dallas the flight attendant announces our arrival, and says the team had better win. I think that added pressure led to the result you saw Sunday. We have to wait for the players to leave before we can get up. This frustrates my father who likes to be the first one off the plane. He could beat Usain Bolt in a get off the plane contest.

We then hop on a bus, there are 5, to be taken to the team hotel in DFW (Dallas Fort Worth to those of you not in the know.) When we get there it appears that the Eagles have posted the team hotel on their website (they did not) because there are people waiting at the entrance asking for autographs. Not from me, but I would have signed Jon Dorenbos willingly had the opportunity arose.

They hand us our room keys, which have the Eagles logo on them. Seems gratuitous. We have two hours till dinner, so I go to the gym to jog/walk my two miles. One of the Eagles coaches is there already, apparently training to fight Pacquiao. Most intense workout face I've ever seen. Only women in labor know the face that man was making.

Dinner involves 8 VIP's (clients, hosts, Dave Spadarr0) in a private room of the Silver Fox. My initial thought was that the Silver Fox would be a strip club with old woman, I was wrong. It's a steak house. Most disappointing part of the trip... other than the escort thing. (By the way, if anyone from the Eagles ever reads this, I apologize, and I understand why I'm not invited anymore.)

Best part of dinner, aside from the food, is when a guy randomly enters our room and explains he was told Eagles were in the room. Spadarro says YEA! Guy looks at 8 paunchy white men and is quizzical, but he knows Spuds from his web hosting duties. Guy brings ups three bottles of Moet because he is the west coast brand manager. We drink it. He leaves, but it is awkward.

I'm semi drunk since it's the first day I've been able to drink since being prescribed medicine for the wizard in my brain. (MRI joke!)

Go back to the bar, and Todd Herremans is talking to three blonde ladies who are more out of their dresses than in them. Also have 400 "who is that guy" conversations during the course of the trip with pops. He knows the basic players on the team, but like most people can't recognize them with their helmets off. I told him on the plane ride out that I wasn't going to tell him if the player and/or coach is standing right next to us, so he shouldn't ask. He suggests a code where he says "what time is it" and I tell him the players name. I never went through with it, but he asked me what time it was 100 times. People on the trip are confused by his apparent inability to read his own watch.


Get up in the morning and order breakfast from room service as per the teams instructions. They offered to pick up the tab. My omelet was $4,000. Who knew they made omelets out of leaves of gold and four hour pay per view videos.

12:45 (game is at 3 local time) we and the team get on the bus. I was surprised at how late the team left to get to the game, but I figure they've done this before, and they know better than I. Three buses head to the stadium via police escort. I joke that I always figured if I was running red lights the police would be chasing me, not leading the ways. Derek Boyko does not laugh. It wasn't funny, so I understand. We then chat off and on for the rest of the journey. He was nice to me, and we seemed to get past my whimsical nonsense.

We pull into the bowels of the stadium, and drop the players off right in front of the locker room. After they disembark we get off the bus and walk right onto the field. I was probably most excited to see the stadium, and while it didn't disappoint I'm pretty sure it could make a child with ADHD vomit out of excitement. The screen is monstrous, obviously, but there is so much else going on. Ford has a car show and fountain, AT&T own the ring of honor, and Miller Lite has girls dancing on polls. (that is not a joke.)

We stand on the field for an hour or so and watch the players stretch and warm up. I take an insane amount of pictures. When I used to take clients on the field I always thought it was odd how excited they were to take poorly focused pictures of players stretching... now I understand. I guess when you get in the situation you automatically become lame. I embraced my lameness.

We head to our seats at the 40 yd line in the club box section. Awesome seats.... great view of the screen.

There was a football game... someone won... someone loss.

We head to the bus, commandeering a handicapped elevator to take us to the ground level. Felt weird as we held off people in wheelchairs. "No, you go down later." I probably didn't need to kick her, but she gave me the eye and I don't front. Anyone who knows me knows that fact. No fronting.

Security pats us down before we get on the bus. Needless to say I got some action on this trip. HEY OH!

We sit on the bus for an hour waiting for the players to finish their interviews. Pops says way too loudly "They probably stunk because they got to the game so late." I said "No one will ask you what you think about that." He says "yea, but if they did I would tell them that they should get to the game earlier." The Eagles executive sitting in front of us does not seem amused by this conversation.

Another police escort, which is awesome, they drive us right onto the tarmac. Players enter plane from the back, we enter from the front. Eldra Buckley is in our line for a few minutes, when he realizes I am not Jon Dorenbos. He runs for the other line. I would like to believe I intimidated Eldra Buckley. He will not remember this story, because it was not a moment of any relevance in his life.

Flight home is solemn, though Merrill says this is the way all return flights home because the players are tired. Best moment is when the plane lands, and and Eagles security member screams. Turns out an unnamed DT farted, and the security guy could taste it. Players laugh, but it's subdued.

We get off the plane at 12:30.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Curt Schilling Still Does Good Even If His Employer Hates Him

While most players seem to steal the limelight with their poor decisions and philandering ways, there are many athletes who strive to do better. One such guy is Curt Schilling.

I remember (rather vividly) watching Curt pitch in 1993 when he was part of the Phillies World Series team. He was really young then (but I was younger, so who really is more impressive?) but his grit was clear.

Curt has a son who has been diagnosed with ALS, and seventeen years ago he started a charity Curts Pitch 4 ALS. Every now and then Real Sports or some local news affiliate will do a fluff piece on the program, but Curt pushes through even when the cameras aren't on him. Like now.

This season he has been embroiled in a fight with the Red Sox over whether or not he should have surgery, and has been forced to opt out of doing so. All the press has circled around those circumstances.

Yet, he continues to travel with his team, and while in Japan this week has already met with a local ALS fund raiser. He's also adjusted his giving premise (previously he gave $1,000 for every one of his strikeouts) because he wouldn't be playing. He instead selected a local pitcher (that's a lot of pressure) and has also decided to give the same amount to the Japanese ALS society for every strike out Dice-K has.

I can't imagine the strain that is put on a family when you find out one of your children has such a debilitating disease, but the Schillings have handled it with grace, and deserve a ton of respect for the great work they've done.

From 38 Pitches

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ghosts In The Dallas Area, Stay Away From Fruit

Yesterday I was ecstatic (I know, you can't see me getting all giddy and soft, like a teenage girl who just met that Hannah Bute Montana chick, but it happens... everyday... when you're not around) to learn that 'dem Boys might be looking to sign Pacman Jones.

I've always loved Pacman (yea, I'm gonna link to my old articles... leave me alone... why must you judge me? I'm no longer ecstatic,) not because he's been personally responsible for crippling another human being (cause that is really messed up) but because his status as a walking punchline has twisted his story straight out of reality.

He's been suspended from the NFL for the last year, but as far as I can see he has never been convicted of the major crimes of which he's been accused.

Imagine, if you will (cause you will, and you will like it) that someone shoves you in a bar, and then sues you for assault after you shatter your beer mug over his head in self defense (I mean the first one was self defense. When you went to the glass blower to have the mug rebuilt, then found him at another bar, well that was just revenge for when that dude stole your girl and gave you herpes.) Then, even though you haven't gone to trial, your employer (if you're reading this blog it's either Bear Sterns or McDonald's...) fires you.

Now, obviously that Pacman ain't a genius. He continues to go to strip clubs, even though he always gets in some sort of incident whenever he enters. (I also think this is blown out of proportion. Jones is from a culture that celebrates strip clubs, just like Pedro Martinez and cock fighting, Mike Vick and dog fighting and white people and St. Patrick's Day fighting.)

But, if our country is supposed to have some quirky Innocent Before Proven Guilty rule, (which by the way if that isn't seven movie titles I'd be disappointed (according to IMDB there was one TV show, and another that was inverted...witty writers)) shouldn't our constitution also be applied to jobs?
Well until it does I'm going on strike... from visiting outdoor urinals... NO MORE. (especially ones with video cameras.)

Whatchyou Sued Over Oprah?

So life continues to be hectic, with random job interviews coming in, but I'm still holding out for that "full service" hotdog cart vendor opportunity. Anyway...

I saw Oprah was being sued by a show attendee who felt she was treated a little roughly during a Dec. 5, 2006 filming. (I hear she was asking for it... She just had one of the faces.)

She is being sued for $50,000.

Ironically that is the exact amount of money you would have to pay me to get me to go see Oprah's show being filmed.

I really just wanted an excuse to publish a picture of Oprah... cause the big O = ratings.... oh you mean a different kind of O... what else starts with O? (Ostracized? Ostriches?)
Got it.

Now give me my money.
Via Drudge.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Slacking Off

So I've had a lot going on the past few days, but tomorrow I should have an actual written piece. I also finally got to watch some of last weeks SNL. Check this out, but stick with it, cause it does get really funny. Focus on Kristin Wiig, she is brilliant.

Monday, March 17, 2008

A Special Day To Head Down To The Old Pub Instead

St. Patrick's Day is a very special one to me, since I hate all people named Patrick. Instead of explaining why it's relevant to sports or any such jibberish, I just wanted to watch muppets. (via Boing Boing)

I was going to throw in some Stephen Lynch, but his St. Patrick's song always makes me feel a little queezy. Just like that time I walked in on OFLJ in the shower. That led to a very awkward moment (that was easier to put into video form.

Happy St. Pahty's day! And seriously OFLJ, I'm not into that.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Birdman By Any Other Name

As some of you know I am fascinated by The Birdman, as I believe everyone should be. He was a mediocre player, always on mediocre teams, who garnered a lot of attention and a nickname far superior to his talent.

Today, tragically, I have learned he no longer considers himself, the Birdman.

He realized he couldn't carry the name after he hit rock bottom:

""I always had control over [drinking]. It was just when everything hit me all at once it was just like, 'What do I do? I'll find the answer at the bottom of a bottle,' " Andersen said. " 'That one didn't have the answer. Maybe I'll go to the next one. That wasn't there, try cans.' There wasn't no answers at the bottom of no cans.""

My only question is, who actually says "I'll find the answer at the bottom of this bottle," about themselves. Isn't that a cliche? Don't you literally try to numb your pain, not solve it.

I also like that he was crazy enough to have an actual conversation with himself. "Hey, Chris, how are you doing today?" "Fantastic, Chris! Let's go make a mockery out of the NBA." "Sounds fantastic, Chris... But first lets search for thing in bottles." "That'd be swell Chris! I am a racist." "That's a lie, Chris, and I hate you." (end scene)

I hope what he meant was he was searching for answers under the lids of bottles. Or in fortune cookies.

Here's hoping he takes my suggestion for his new name, The 3.5 Million Dollar Bench-Warmer (T3MDBW). It's not original, but it's way more accurate than his previous one.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Important Questions

Every now and then I'll take too much time putting together a question for you to ponder. So ponder.

If The X Games Were Filmed Like This I Would Watch

I love seeing a video of a "newscaster" doing something I probably would have done because I don't think things out enough.

"Hey guys, lets film these guys sledding, but I'm gonna start outside their path, and then walk between while they come down the hill. This can't fail! Emmy here we come!"

From Deadspin

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Headlines Is Dumb

Usually when I come across a bad headline I let it go, because I've made my share of mistakes, but this one made me recoil in horror.

Flyers' Downie Gets Shot After Being Benched.

If that doesn't make you want to read more I don't know what will.

Maybe "Flye
rs' Downie Mauled By A Metaphorical Bear."

I'm guessing Jason Blake finally got his revenge.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Haitian Sensation and Other Thoughts That Don't Make Sense

I remember back when the 76ers drafted Samuel Dalembert and I labeled him the Haitian Sensation (I wish I was that witty... I'm sure someone else did it first but it doesn't make the name any less great... jerks.)

The day he was drafted I remember Dick Jerardi of the Daily News saying it maybe the worst draft pick ever, and I laughed… “Oh, you” I said…

Since then he’s missed almost two complete seasons, and continues to struggle with the idea that while blocks come easy if you fly recklessly out of control… so do very easy shots for the other teams on the 9 out of 10 times you miss. Oh and offense... don't get crazy.

The point being, Sami has not always been my favorite player. Now he has come out and said the game isn’t fun, which is apparently because he isn’t playing enough. (Even though he's averaging 33 minutes a game, which is a career high.)

What is most pitiful here is that this is the first time is Sami's storied career that the Sixers are actually winning, other than his first year, when he didn't play (which made the team better.)

They might even make the playoffs and this fool isn't having a good time? They've gone 12-3
in their last 15 (that would be sixteen if A were counting) and that's not enough to get him excited about getting up in the morning.

So how can we help him? Here are some ideas.

1. Have a hockey demonstration at half time.

Sam loves hockey... especially when he can watch the little ball, man.

2. Encourage players to drape themselves in the flag while sitting on the bench.

This is the happiest I've ever seen Sami, other than the video above, and I think it's because the flag is his natural clothing. Once he leaves it's comfortable confines he is like a baby kangaroo lost in the wilderness.

3. Play one game in Haiti.

Sure, they're constantly at war and haven't had a stable government since... well, since Christopher Columbus started messing things up in 1492, but I'm sure with the NBA's new global outreach programs there's an opportunity to sell a pair of shoes or a jersey or something to the entire country. That's money in the pocket.

4. Have a fake afro give-a-way during the next game.

Did Sami ever look better?

So, I hope all of that can help, or maybe what Sami really needs is what will eventually happen. When the Sixers sneak into the playoffs and get stomped by the Celtics or the Pistons he won't have to worry about losing that losing feeling anymore. He clears buys into the idea that with success bring misery, and hopefully this will one day bring him, to another team.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

You Have Chosen.... Poorly

Found this via Boing Boing and it brought me back to a simpler time. I actually just enjoyed the chapter titles, like eaten by cat and maid dies while trapped by cat. I think someone should actually write this book. FREE GHOSTS!